An Important Question

There’s a very important question we all need to ask ourselves from time to time. Say it with me… Why? Why do we conduct our first meeting this way? Why do we not have referral ….Read More

Introducing “The Questionology of Money”

In the world of finance, data is abundant. Numbers flood our screens, charts crowd our reports, and forecasts attempt to paint the future with varying shades of confidence. Yet, de ….Read More

The True Measure of Your Success

I have experimented with a different format for this Nano…I have attempted a poem on the work that you do…It’s about the power of the work you do…The inspiration for this w ….Read More

From Blind Spots to Bright Spots

We all have blind spots, and the bitter truth is, you can’t see your own. I can’t see my own…And you can’t see yours… Let me give you an example. One time, I was having a ….Read More

The Core Experience

I recently heard someone say in the context of the restaurant industry, “Client service on its own doesn’t drive organic growth if the food or the core experience is not good. ….Read More
